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This week’s run club challenge is about increasing consistency. Watch the attached video and then choose your level for this week. Remember the aim is to be consistent, so pick a level that you are able to comfortably complete 5 times this week. Comfortably means you should be able to hold a conversation with someone whilst running. If you can’t you’re going too fast.


A great way to record your run is via the app Strava. Download it or go the website to set up an account and join the Hills Fit club.


Each completed run is worth 50 points.   



Level                                                                                           Distance


I’m new to this running thing                                            2km


I’ve run before but not often                                            3km


Sometimes I run but not consistently                          4km


I do running all the time                                                      5km+


Double points bonus challenge


Substitute the fifth run of the week with an interval set.

These are done at a slightly faster pace but you can have a 2 minute rest in between each km you run.


Level                                                                                           Distance


I’m new to this running thing                                            2x1km


I’ve run before but not often                                            3x1km


Sometimes I run but not consistently                          4x1km


I do running all the time                                                      5x1km (1 min rest)



Last Updated 12.04.2020


1: UrLocalDragon_91    2800 points

2: Ryan                            2750 points

3: Bijiga                           2650 points

4: Aaron 👑                    2500 points

5: Ashleigh                     2150 points


1: Abi B                     5800 points

2: Warf                      4800 points

3: Ollie B                   3600 points

4: Addy                      3100 points

5: Sid                         2750 points

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